Tuesday, April 22, 2008



I thought I would introduce myself!

I'm Angela. I'm a happy wife to a happy husband for almost 10 years! Yes, we have been married that long and we are happy! We have been blessed by 3 beautiful daughters. 8 yr old Jordan, 3 yr old Joelle, and 7 week old Jada. (Hubby's quiver was full at #2, then we were suprised by number 3, so now the quiver is REALLY FULL!) We currently have only one dog.

We live just outside Tulsa. We have a smallish 2 bedroom moble home with 1 bathroom, so life here can be an adventure at times.

I like to knit and read, but I rarely have time for either. I'm busy battling my disorganization! Recently with a lot of help and encouragement I've made progress. I also work part time as a server and hourly manager at Applebee's in Tulsa.

We are members of GUTS Church in Tulsa, and stay active in whatever the church has going on.

I really want to be a great home maker. I wish it could all come together for me at once, but I know it won't. It takes time, learning, applying, trails, errors, and change.

So, if you wish, through this blog you can join me as I learn and share what works for me and doesn't work. And hopefully you'll find some motivation and encouragment to be a better home maker and mom too!

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