MOMMY HOMEWORK: Living Out the High Call of Proverbs 31!
September 12, 2008
Wondering what Mommy Homework is? Each week we have "assignments" to answer and we share our answers on Cindy Rushton's website. We all have fun reading each other's answers and learning along each other.
Want to join us? Meet us here on Cindy's Desktop.
“Is it possible to live a life that resembles Proverbs 31? How do you do it? What does Proverbs 31 look like in your life?”
Good question.
When I used to read these these verses my head would swim! How could ANYONE here on this earth live up to these high standards set within these verses. I realize these verses were a mom describing the type of women he should seek out to make his wife. But I also thought it was a joke, and maybe this mother never really intended her son to marry so she gave him and unrealistic ideal!!!
But then….. I realized… every verse in the Bible is inspired by the Spirit of God. Given for the edification, exhortation, and comfort of all who read. That included these verses. They were meant to be a standard for all women. A list of goals to work towards. And words of comfort for the woman who doesn’t see herself within the light of these words.
You see….. we, in our own strength or in the kingdom of darkness, could never meet these standards. When we read these words, and all we see is something that we must strive, within ourselves, to become…. it becomes bondage. it’s a list that becomes a bunch of rules and standards we compare ourselves to. And we do just that. We do nothing but look at the list, ourselves, compare ourselves to that list, and then see nothing but shortcomings. No where, in that mindset and thinking was there, or will there ever be exhortation, edification, or comfort. There is only discouragement as we see the woman we will never become.
But we were never meant to strive to become this virtuous. At least in our own strength. This is a woman that we have already become. When we came under the Lordship of Jesus… this is who God restored us to be. And only when we see ourselves as this virtuous woman, can we truly become this virtuous woman. And we become this virtuous woman when we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us in all truth. This truth will be worked out more and more each day as we follow Him.
Will we get there the first day? No…. but by God’s grace we will.
What does Proverbs 31 look like in my life???
Well… if you looked in my home today you would see lots of fabric on the kitchen table from 3 current projects. You would see dishes piled in the sink. You would see an unmade bed because we left early for church. You would see clutter everywhere. And the disarray of my home would suggest that I am not a virtuous woman. Looking at this in my own strength, I would get discouraged and start to believe the lie from the devil that I am not one nor will ever be one.
But what I see around me right now and what I see in the Word are two different things. And I choose to see myself in the light of the Word. And then I will choose to roll up my selves, ask God for direction, and lay down some elbow grease.
How it works itself out in my life each day, is when there is a situation or a circumstance in my life that tells me I’m not a virtuous woman, I simply remind myself (and sometimes the circumstances) who God already made me to be and that these circumstances will change. Through Faith… By God’s Grace. They will change.
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