Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tackle it Tuesday - Cleaning the Kitchen

Don't have much time to blog this am. I need to have my sweet Jesus time :) But to stay consistent with the Tackle it Tuesday theme I've started, here I am! :)

Last week my focus was the girls' room and closets. And we made great progress. We took about 6 huge sacks full of stuff to Goodwill, and threw away countless items. I still need to work on their room a little more, but it looks much better.

Next I want to focus on my kitchen. It needs a good deep cleaning. But with break ended, school started again yesterday, I really don't have much time to tackle a big project. So, I'm going to have to break this one up into small projects, and probably over then next two weeks.

My focus today will be 1 cabinet, two shelves, in side and out. During the little breaks through the day, I will be taking everything out of the cabinet, wiping off the contact paper, and replacing everything. I will be starting with the food cabinet today, and the counter space underneath it.

What is a project that you've been meaning to take on? Is it a big project? How many little projects can you break it into? Find something small that you can do, and do it. Then find something else small to do in that big project, and do it. Keep chipping away at the small things, and pretty soon you'll have the big whittled away to a manageable size.

Today it's supposed to be in the low 30's, so this afternoon I may try to bundle everyone up and take a quick walk around the block. I hope you all are staying warm. Take some time to cuddle up in a blankie, with kids if you have them, and read a good book.

Have a blessed day.


Burning4Jesus said...

Good idea Angela! I like the thought of breaking it up into smaller jobs as well as the one day a week to organize idea. The perfectionist in me is always getting discouraged when I can't get it all done. One of my NY resolutions is to be completely organized, and as much as I love to organize, I can never seem to find the time.

Tonya said...

Hi there. I found you on RC and today I spent the morning cleaning off my kitchen table and counter tops, which was a huge feat for me at this time.
Have a blessed day.