Monday, May 18, 2009

Domesitcally Challenged? This may be for you!

Sarah Zeldman over at Blog is offering an opportunity to be a part of her Beta Family Manager Coaching groups. I think this would be great to take part in, but my schedule is pretty full right now and I don't think I can squeeze in one more thing.
So I'm sharing this with every one, and hoping this info can be useful to one of you.

Here's the scoop in her own words:
"Background: I would like to start offering Family Manager Coaching Groups where women can learn the principles of the Family Manager System, set goals, track their progress and get support from me as well as a group of like-minded women.

Here’s the offer:

I am looking for 8-10 women to join my “Beta’ Family Manager Coaching Group for FREE.

The group will run for 8 weeks and will feature one teleclass per week, recordings of the sessions (in case you miss one) and an exclusive forum where you can track your progress, get support from the group and have liberal access to me."

To get all the details, visit her blog here to read the full offer.

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